My maiden E-voyage was a “Perfect Storm” type deal, save the memorial, which hasn’t been built yet, because as it turns out, I’ve lived to piss and moan about it!
It was an accomplishment born of my personal creativity and tenacity, a blissfully simple bankable cash infusion plan. I had hatched it in a brief few Devine moments no wait it was weeks, of age induced stellar clarity that had engulfed me whilst I was apparently probing around in the darkest areas of the www. So it was! Past-tense, begrudgingly intended. Bastards!
Those little nerd punk IT bastards may have foiled my digital euphoria for a brief instant. Albeit, an even more glorious probable delusion nay, vivid dream lives anew! I’ll be droning along alone against them all drowning in all my extra beer money. Because the Buy-Jerry-A-Beer thing is a damned sight better idea than Paul’s, sorry Paul, (FYI#2 your beer page blog link is still broken).
I'll succeed with my laptop money making machine risk free trial offer cash infusion spare-time no capital investment venture guru strategy induced smoking hot widely adopted often imitated never before seen super secret yet operated with only one click, because it is fully automated and optimized and fool proof and can not possibly fail. Or else I’ll still be pissed off trying! So take note you wizards of all things IT, this ain't over yet! I'm still here, working on your dime, you sneaky little weasel nerd pricks! Now what are you gonna do? Bring it on kiddies! This grandpa is just getting started!
Okay then, I’m okay, I am pretty much over it! It was a little life lesson that was obviously brought to me by a higher power. So then to continue with my story. I quite legitimately intended, to legally snatch some of the free flowing electron streams of viral rich cash, not immediately mind you, but pretty damned soon! The notion was conceived on a whim; it developed dynamically, and I polished on the fly, just like Paul told me to. I guess I should have read a little more carefully. What actually got me to do something was the brief yet powerful notion that I found while reading a free book.
I'm not so young anymore, and years have jaded me. Trust me, I understand getting grumpy over stuff other people do. But, it is my opinion that people who see people making mistakes ought to calculate a polite way of pointing out the errorslapping somebody’s hand. My children are grown now with children of their own, but they would tell you that I was never one to scream about split milk. It needed to be cleaned up and the logical clean-up person was the person who spilled it. But! It is okay to spill milk and it is okay help them clean it up. In fact it is better if you help them, because it builds a loving bond between you and your
ebut when I was younger, I was taught to give my elders a little respect. The people who jacked me around.so now is good. It was my intention to finally collate all of my laptop resources into a virtual money machine. Clean money too! No nasty crime tainted paper money mind you. This was the 100% pure kind, virgin money, all electronic. I had spawned a money hatchery of sorts.
Nameless people who are wiser than I, may well have considered it to be a bio-engineered master-piece. Well? If I may speak frankly. It was envisioned to be a virtual caldron of copulating E-ons. Rubbing up against one another like teenagers in the back sit at the drive-in theater.
So it was! Uniquely mine! My personal highly dynamic evolving brain-child semi-retirement income creation system. It was to be my "money making launchpad" going to "make extra money" for me while I slept. It was a stroke of clear senior genius epiphany. The likes of which no punk IT college kid had never seen. Uniquely my idea, extrapolated from hours diligent research, and well it was looking pretty promising too.
Having a few quick searches for key words like "make money online" "laptop income generation in retirement" and "how to make money without spending a dime"
Nameless people who are wiser than I, may well have considered it to be a bio-engineered master-piece. Well? If I may speak frankly. It was envisioned to be a virtual caldron of copulating E-ons. Rubbing up against one another like teenagers in the back sit at the drive-in theater.
So it was! Uniquely mine! My personal highly dynamic evolving brain-child semi-retirement income creation system. It was to be my "money making launchpad" going to "make extra money" for me while I slept. It was a stroke of clear senior genius epiphany. The likes of which no punk IT college kid had never seen. Uniquely my idea, extrapolated from hours diligent research, and well it was looking pretty promising too.
Having a few quick searches for key words like "make money online" "laptop income generation in retirement" and "how to make money without spending a dime"
Git 'er done. ….. ……..Perfection(ism) is the second greatest enemy of success. (Doing nothing is the first, but it was a near thing. Inaction picked rock to Perfection's scissors in the last round of the finals.) How many promising projects do you have sitting there that need "just a little more work," that haven't been touched in ages? Or that you keep polishing, hoping to make them "good enough?" (Mea maxima culpa...) You can't fix what never gets done. You can't improve or build on a project that's 99% ready. If you write a book and it's not perfect, so what? Get an editor and get it closer. But get it done. If you have to do it in parts, that's fine. That's what I have to do sometimes to get a project out and complete. (I have more ideas than time, and often change between projects more often than a teenaged girl changes shoes.) Finish first. Polish second. .... How do you know when it's done? Look at your sales letter. If the product delivers what the letter promises, it's done enough tostart selling. If not, either add enough to the product to make that happen, or subtract something from the sales letter. Haven't written the sales letter yet? Excellent. Write a letter selling the product as it is right now. If you've got enough benefits to make itworth buying, snip the loose ends and get it out to market. You see, your prospects don't have a set idea in mind of what you're supposed to be offering. They don't care if you can think of things that might make it better. They have a problem NOW, dammit, and they don't want to wait until you're 128 years old fora solution! |
Quoted from Need To Know What You Must Know to Achieve Real Success Online by Paul Myers, Publisher of TalkBiz News © Copyright 2008, Paul Myers and TalkBiz Digital, LLC Free for the asking, http://www.talkbiznews.com |
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